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issue 164, may june 2023

This page shows the articles in issue 164, may june 2023 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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34 results found:
  • Whole host of reasons for supporting NVT
    Whole host of reasons for supporting NVT
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 14 Jun 2023

    Every year, Australian grain growers play host to National Variety Trials plots on their properties. Their efforts are vital to grains research, but they also provide valuable information to the host grower on plant varieties and agronomy.

  • Benefits of wholegrains and legumes in a plant-based diet
    Benefits of wholegrains and legumes in a plant-based diet
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 13 Jun 2023

    Wholegrains and legumes have become essential components within plant-based diets, with both offering unique nutritional benefits. They are both high-fibre foods that have protective properties such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

  • Biosecurity officers help protect industry from key threats
    Biosecurity officers help protect industry from key threats
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 12 Jun 2023

    Working closely with growers and others in the grain supply chain, specialist biosecurity officers operate in each of the five grain growing regions and provide growers with the latest biosecurity tools, resources and advice. The GBOs work with grain growers and share simple ways they can reduce the risks posed by pests, diseases and weeds on their farms.

  • Boundaries key to preserving mental health, expert says
    Boundaries key to preserving mental health, expert says
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 09 Jun 2023

    When your workplace and your home are one and the same, it can feel impossible to set and maintain boundaries, but mental health expert Kim Huckerby says they are essential for preserving our wellbeing.

  • Incremental approach to drainage brings cropping dividends
    Incremental approach to drainage brings cropping dividends
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 06 Jun 2023

    Rob and Jo Bradley share how an incremental approach to drainage and sustainable farming led to improved cereal crops in Longford, Tasmania.

  • Study tour reveals big differences between frost strategies
    Study tour reveals big differences between frost strategies
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 05 Jun 2023

    14 Western Australian growers journeyed across South Australia and Victoria on a three-day frost study tour last September in the pursuit of an improved understanding of frost risk management strategies.

  • What value can precision ag tools bring to your business?
    What value can precision ag tools bring to your business?
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 02 Jun 2023

    Although digital ag tool development in Australia is quite advanced, there is a disconnect between the developers and the adopters – growers. The Society of Precision Agriculture Australia is dedicated to improving the sustainability of Australia’s agriculture production systems through adoption of these tools. To this end, grower co-designed workshops are being supported by GRDC and run by the Society across the country.

  • HRZ high-yielding canola nutrient dynamics
    HRZ high-yielding canola nutrient dynamics
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 01 Jun 2023

    Canola nutrition research in the HRZ of Western Australia has highlighted the importance of balancing nutrient applications and alleviating any macronutrient deficiency to achieve high yields.

  • Tool to assist nitrogen decisions tested on the ground
    Tool to assist nitrogen decisions tested on the ground
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 31 May 2023

    For Nick Gillett and his wife Tryphena, farming in the low rainfall zone of Western Australia, where crop performance can be thwarted by frost, every input decision is critical. Tools that can better inform these decisions are constantly being sought by Nick, including ground truthing those from start-ups such as Laconik.

  • Supporting sustainable weed control innovations
    Supporting sustainable weed control innovations
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 08 May 2023

    There are clear economic benefits from adopting innovative weed control strategies that were specifically designed for southern farming systems with high-frequency use of break crops

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